Jean Hervé, Sylvie & Luka's Amazing Custom Rig

Unicat Rig

The other day on my way down to Bolinas beach I met Jean Hervé, Sylvie, and Luka in the midst of a trip around the world.  From their native France they shipped their rig to Nova Scotia, drove down to Florida and across the southern U.S. to California. They are now on their way to Mexico and Central America where they plan on staying a year or two. After that it’s down through South America for a few more years where they will end in Chile. From Chile they are back on a ship and heading to Asia for a few years, then they will make their way thru Russia and back to France eventually. Jean Hervé built this custom diesel-powered, all-wheel-drive, torsion-free subframe beast that will take you almost anywhere on the planet. The interior has beds, a kitchen, and a full bathroom and is built immaculately with space saving in mind. Thanks for letting me take some pictures guys, enjoy the rest of the trip.

Check out their blog here.

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2 Responses to Jean Hervé, Sylvie & Luka's Amazing Custom Rig

  1. Pingback: Jean-Hervé

  2. Pingback: Evan Kahn

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