SIP: Mobile Juice and Cocktail Bar


Portland-based design firm Von Tundra did the conversion of a 1969 Dodge Chinook into a mobile juice and cocktail bar. Their client wanted something a little different to serve street food to the city’s public as well as host guests inside. It went from a bland old white truck to Sip Mobile Lodge, a stylish vehicle that feels right for the American Northwest with its heavy use of wood and comfortable interior.

The Chinook was a Craigslist find that had been collecting moss for years in some damp pocket off the Oregon coast. When Brian Heck (owner of Sip) brought it to Von Tundra it was rusted, leaking and rotted. Von Tundra transformed a road-weary beater into an elegant purveyor of fresh juices, smoothies, and late-night cocktails.

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3 Responses to SIP: Mobile Juice and Cocktail Bar

  1. Pingback: katee.korn

  2. Pingback: Hayden

  3. Pingback: janieblum

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