Straw Bale and Timber Frame Home


Hi Lloyd and Co.:

Saw your call for responses to the upcoming Small Homes book. Exciting! I think our straw bale & timber frame home fits squarely into that category. It’s actually around 440 sq. feet of interior heated space, but with the porch and balcony it’s a bit bigger.

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Anyway, our house is a combination sawn timber and roundwood timber frame, 99% of which was built with hand tools. It’s wrapped with straw bale walls, with lime plaster on the exterior, and clay plaster on the inside. Atop the house is a living roof … you can imagine what it took to get all of the soil two stories high … all completed with 5 gallon buckets and pulleys, no less!

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We actually just finished construction a couple of weeks ago. And we’re actually selling the house, too, since we moved from Dancing Rabbit to Kentucky. I wish we could move the house with us, but alas…

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Would be happy to answer any questions about the structure. Full set of photos here:

P.S.: It’s really fun to meet people who have seen my cob house in Tiny Homes.

–Brian ‘Ziggy’ Liloia
Natural Building Workshops & more at The Year of Mud



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