Nomadic Homes (175)

SunRay Kelley's Hybrid Recumbent Bike

Sunray Kelley's Bike“SunRay Kelley’s human-electric hybrid SunRayzor bike is ready to ride. SunRay electrified his made-in-the-USA recumbent Catrike with a 72-volt Crystalyte hub motor and lithium-ion batteries. A custom-built rain shield and interchangeable windshield round out the package.”

Lots of SunRay’s creations — cob, straw bale, timber frameworks, stoves, saunas, yurts, and multiple inventions can be seen on his website:

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A Magic Vancouver Morning

It’s a glittering Sunday morning in Vancouver. I SO lucked out in the hotel department. The 901 Beach Hotel, I found on internet, sounded good, turned out to be a few hundred yards from the water in this section of Vancouver (West End, Yaletown, Gastown) that is almost an island; 90% of the perimeter of this area water-surrounded. Totally kayakable (and SUP-able).

Yesterday afternoon I took a ferry across to Granville Island, a thriving public market, 100s of vendors, great food, fruit, nuts, wine, oysters, crabs, smoked salmon, craft beers, art, music, restaurants, food stalls, outdoor wear, kayaks — crowded, lots of tourists, yes, but vital and fun nonetheless. Going back with grown-up camera today. Read More …

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Tiny Homes on the Move Review on BoingBoing

Tiny Homes on the Move

“As a continuation of Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter, author Lloyd Kahn (former Shelter editor of Whole Earth Catalog) brings us Tiny Homes on the Move, which showcases 90 nomadic homes made from trailers, school buses, vans, trucks, boats, and even a tricycle. Each entry includes an essay by or about the home’s creator, who talks about why and how they converted a vehicle into a house. Each dweller has a unique story…”

The Tiny Homes on the Move book got a pretty nice review over at BoingBoing.

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Trip to Peru

floating home

Floating home on the Amazon

I recently got home from a two-week trip to Peru with my wife Chelsea. We flew into Lima and hung there for a day. From there we flew to Cusco for two days then took a train to Aguas Calientes where we stayed for three nights and visited Machu Picchu. We then went back to Cusco for a night and then onto Iquitos which sits directly on the Amazon, Iquitos is the largest city in the world not reachable by a car. Everything must come in by boat or plane, we stayed at an eco lodge for three nights. One of the best parts of the trip was seeing all of the different building techniques which are employed from the Andes to the Amazon. Hope you enjoy.

IMG_1697 Floating House
IMG_1491 old adobe and brick building

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Paleotool's Vardo

The Vardo

Here is an extremely well-documented build with plans of a beautiful vardo.

“This is my home-built trailer using classic and modern building techniques and style. Based on traveler’s and “gypsy” wagons from Britain and France as well as sheep wagons from the western U.S., I am keeping this to the absolute minimum in size and weight. I don’t plan to live in it full-time so it can be thought of a base camp. I have mulled it over for a very long time and was torn between this style and a teardrop design. Each have advantages but this just seems to suit me better…”

The build can be seen on Paleotool’s blog.

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Zyl Vardos

The Fortune Cookie was featured in Tiny Homes on the Move. Here are more examples of Abel Zimmerman’s wonderful work:

The Fortune CookieFirst: Wood creates its own pathways. I am only following as best I can.

Second: My work is about people. Every time I collaborate with somebody on a little house, some new “flowers” seem to bloom in the world. Despite the newness, I more often intend to build things that feel “magnetic” and familiar. If people appreciate it 50 years later, then I/we have done the right thing. Read More …

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Kurt Buetow's Rolling Hangout and Yurt

These came in the mail from Kurt Buetow just as we were finishing Tiny Homes on the Move, and I just dug them out.


Hi Lloyd,

As you know, I’m into these hanging chairs. In the forty years since I won the International Canvas Furniture Design competition in Tokyo, I’ve spent time in the woods and find it pleasing to select technology I can kind of deal with, like a hay wagon and bent wood and a ’70s-era electric tractor I charge with PVs.

I like the idea of shelter, but no more than you need. Feet on the ground, the side bows on this umbrella fold up so it becomes only nine feet wide. Nice place to enjoy the rain, there’s a hammock, and a cot, tables, and storage. Maybe somewhere else tomorrow.


Kurt2Mode of Transport

This is how I move the rolling hang-out (’70s General Electric). The solar panels are mounted on a steel-wheeled McCormick Deering hay wagon running gear from the ’20s. In summer I tilt them east and west through the day.

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Jean Hervé, Sylvie & Luka's Amazing Custom Rig

Unicat Rig

The other day on my way down to Bolinas beach I met Jean Hervé, Sylvie, and Luka in the midst of a trip around the world.  From their native France they shipped their rig to Nova Scotia, drove down to Florida and across the southern U.S. to California. They are now on their way to Mexico and Central America where they plan on staying a year or two. After that it’s down through South America for a few more years where they will end in Chile. From Chile they are back on a ship and heading to Asia for a few years, then they will make their way thru Russia and back to France eventually. Jean Hervé built this custom diesel-powered, all-wheel-drive, torsion-free subframe beast that will take you almost anywhere on the planet. The interior has beds, a kitchen, and a full bathroom and is built immaculately with space saving in mind. Read More …

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Travis Skinner's Tiny Houses and Arts/Crafts Projects

Travis Skinners Home on Wheels

Travis Skinner’s home on wheels

“I put on the furring strips with the help of my friend Steven. These furring strips will allow for a ½″ gap behind the siding that will allow airflow to dry out any moisture. Rain screens, in my opinion, are the best way to side in the Northwest. Take advantage of airflow, whenever possible…”

Check out Travis Skinner’s website here; it’s rich in art, craft, and building. He lives in Olympia, Washington.

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Drew's Veggie-Powered 4×4 Mitsubishi Delica Van

Diesel 4x4 Surf Van

Drew and Justin

I have been seeing this van around for a few weeks and trying to catch up with the driver. I love these vans and wish California/U.S. Customs would relax some of their crazy import laws and allow some of these in. I finally found them in Bolinas today! This is Drew De Panacis and his friend Justin Artuso. They are on a surfing/rock climbing road trip from Vancouver, Canada and went as far south as Big Sur for surf and out to the sierras for rock climbing. They are slowly making their way back up to the great north and hitting as much good surf as they can along the way. The van is a 4×4 diesel and it has a veggie conversion kit on it and holds 35 gallons of oil. To get something like this in America, you’d really only have one option — a Sportsmobile — which start out in the $30-$40k range for a used one. These Delicas go from $5-$10K in Canada which makes them a lot more affordable to younger folks and people who don’t make a ton of money.


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Justin Cutter's Mobile Greenhouse Truck

justin cutter truck

I was skating on the street one day and passed this striking greenhouse truck (for lack of a common descriptive phrase). It’s one of those things that you just GET when you see it. I stopped and talked to Justin Cutter, fellow skateboarder as well as gardener. This isn’t only one of the things you get when you see it, it’s one of those things you instantly LIKE. What a great idea! He takes it around to schools and teaches kids gardening. Read More …

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Alice's Custom-Built House Truck

house truck

My ex-husband and I built our home in the ’70s on a 1956 White truck, which cost $250. We used many recycled materials. Shipping crates became siding, discarded oak pallets and tiles became the table, etc.

CB-05It had a circulating toilet, double-paned Plexiglas windows and skylights, and a 30-inch porch at the rear. It had a 125-gallon water tank and a 60-gallon propane tank — self-contained. It’s solidly built and runs great!

There were two full-size bunks for the four kids. The upper bunk had been removed when these photos were taken. The spinet piano can barely be seen.

Studs were linked at the bottom with ¼-inch steel angle. It prevented disaster when one time someone drove into the side of the house truck. The driver totaled his car; we only have to replace a bit of siding.

The window design was determined by the size of the discarded Plexiglas scraps, and inspired by bathroom windows in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

We bolted three metal baffles between the stove and walls, staggering the bolts so as not to transfer the heat. The stove could be fully fired up and the wall behind it would still be quite cool.

I learned all my carpentry and building skills working on this truck. One day while driving myself, the porch railing got caught in something, ripping it half off, and it was sitting on the ground. What to do? I pulled out some tools and reattached it on the spot before driving away.


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An Email from Tohner S. Jackson

I’ve only spent a few hours so far with the book and it’s already sent me into day dreaming mode about adventures and alternate ways of living out there on the road or water. This book … serves as a sort of inspiration guidebook. It’s full of free thinking and artistic people who are among a growing trend of people who are attempting to down scale their lives and simplify what we are doing with our time. Smaller spaces mean less stuff; less stuff means less to take care of; less to take care of means more time and more money; more time and more money means freedom. These core philosophical beliefs are not always supported or represented very well in the mainstream media. This book is proof that there is a movement afoot and to simplify is at the top of the list: be it a French woman who sailed her boat with no engine to the canary islands, or the English artist who built a tiny home on the back of a 1959 French army truck, or even a homebuilder/woodworker from Texas who is doing his best to build a more simple existence.

–Tohner S. Jackson
One Tree Woodworks

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